Melbournians awaken… come out again… are you ready?

Long-term lock-down-lock-in will lead some people to feel anxious about going back to ‘normal’ again. What do I do now? What do I wear? Who should I call first? Will they want to see me? Do I want to go OUT!? Where do I go first? How far do I go? How long do I go for? Check in with yourself before you commit to walking out that door. Before you step out of that tram, step out of your car or open that café door. Breath.

It is OK to NOT be OK! And the best way to know is to stop, give yourself a moment (preferably in a safe place, before you’re at the café!) and do a self-check in. Look inward, simply do a body-scan, and then ask yourself “How is my physical body feeling?” and “What thoughts are going through my head right now?” And listen to yourself, I mean, REALLY listen to what you are telling yourself. Then ask…. “Given how I am feeling, do I want to do (X,Y,Z) with (Peter, Paul and Mary)?” Maybe you feel a little anxious, and that’s ENTIRELY NORMAL! But it is detrimental to you if you go? Most likely, you just have a few concerns that you can talk yourself through, but you always have the option to say “no, I am not ready for that.” Or you may simply decide that a coffee is ok, but maybe lunch is a bit too much of a commitment. You may decide, “I’m going to spend the whole day out, walking, catching up, having a bite to eat..” etc, etc.

We are all different and each have different needs. Timing counts. Be mindful of your first days, weeks and months out of such a long lock-in Melbournians.

Come out, come out, but only on your terms!